looking for Library 2.0!

I’m giving a presentation about Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 later on this week at the DUG/HUG (UK) Conference 2006 and I’m wanting to demo some of the great things libraries have done with Library 2.0 and Web 2.0.  In particular, I’ve got one slide that has two spare bullet points of space left and I can’t decide what to put there…
Here’s what I’ve got already:

  • Westmont Public Library – publicises new books using Flickr
  • University of Connecticut – staff documentation & info stored in a wiki
  • Ball State University – recruiting students via weblogs
  • Dowling College Library – podcasts of library and local information
  • Birkbeck College Library – RSS feed of library news
  • Plymouth State University – Casey Bisson’s Weblog OPAC
  • ?
  • ?

I’ve no idea if anyone will read this blog post in time, but if you can come up with one or two more great examples of libraries doin’ it for themselves, please post a reply! You’ve got exactly 12 hours before I need to finalise the presentation and get the handouts printed — the clock is ticking!
I reserve the right to cherry pick two of the best responses (that’s assuming I get any!) and in return you’ll get to have your name in lights …well, projected on a screen during the presentation πŸ˜€
Cheers in advance πŸ™‚

5 thoughts on “looking for Library 2.0!”

  1. At the Lunar and Planetary Institute I’m adding new items to LibraryThing.
    I also have a weekly newsletter with an RSS feed, a weekly listing of new books, again with RSS and a weekly podcast.
    I have also been adding COinS to pages. The new books page, and our contributions page both include them.
    They only show up if you are using an OpenURL resolver.
    Just today I established a static OAI page so our collection could be harvested. This should make our work available in OAIster and NSDL.
    I have started a Flickr group for our institute, still small.

  2. Hey Davey. Just a couple quick examples off the top of my head:
    1) University of Washington Libraries (MPOW) – using wikis for staffweb
    2) New Jersey Institute of Technology Library – allowing users to tag permalinks for catalog records in del.icio.us, and maintaining a MySpace presence
    Best of luck to you. πŸ™‚

  3. A couple others for consideration:
    Ann Arbor District Library: their entire new website aadl.org is based on a blog framework and they really keep the new content flowing from all across the organization. Also, they have some great projects like pictureAnnArbor: a developing collection of photographs and other digital images of Ann Arbor, contributed by library patrons.
    In a similar vein, check out http://www.westernspringshistory.org/ — a joint venture of Thomas Ford Memorial Library and the Western Springs Historical Society. It’s a WordPress blog where each “category” is a street in the town, and each “post” is a photograph of a historical house or building on that street. Visitors can comment on the posts, leaving their own historical anecdotes and context, like this: http://www.westernspringshistory.org/4620-grand/
    If I can think of others I’ll stop back…

  4. Hi everyone!
    Luke — I should have mentioned that Ann Arbor already have a little section of their own in the presentation πŸ™‚
    I’m going add all of the suggestions to the downloadable version of the presentation that’ll be available later.
    However, I’m going to award the two bullet points to Western Springs History and LibraryThing LPI!
    Thanks guys!

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