Nigel’s comment on the “5 years of book loans and grades” post reminded me that I did do a breakdown by discipline of the same data.
One of the caveats with this is that it represents nearly a decade’s worth of usage and, during that time, the seven academic schools at Huddersfield have changed — e.g. some courses and subjects have moved from one school to another.
Music, Humanities and Media
In terms of books, the students in this school rack up highest average number of loans.
Business students’ borrowing is much lower, but considerably more stable across the 5 years of graduates.
Computing and Engineering
I guess there are no surprises here — when I did my HND in Computing at Huddersfield in the 1990s, I only visited the library once 😀
Education and Professional Development
There’s something interesting going on here — the borrowing levels for firsts and thirds is very similar, with 2:1 and 2:2 being lower. Very curious!
Human & Health Sciences
Applied Sciences
From memory, Applied Sciences make much higher usage of journals than books.
Art, Design and Architecture
The art stock is much more likely to be used within the library, rather than loaned.